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#2194 |
Written by Fred Patten, and intended for Apa L, 2194th Distribution, LASFS Meeting No. 3642, May 31, 2007.
Golden State Colonial Convalescent Hospital, 10830 Oxnard Street, North Hollywood, California 91606-5098.
Telephone: hospital(818) 763-8247; personal (818) 506-3159 * eMail:fredpatten@earthlink.net
Nippon 2007 in 2007! | Denvention 3 in 2008! | Salamander Press #2677 |
Not much happened to me last week, since I never got out of the hospital. On last Friday, Sofawolf Press asked if I wanted to proofread the first issue of its new Furry magazine, New Fables. "The sooner the better as we just got the layouts all finished and it needs to go to the printer soon." I was able to finish it in one day. I am not sure why Sofawolf is starting a new magazine when it claims that it cannot get enough good stories for its existing magazine, Anthrolations.
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-- Comments on Last Week's Distribution:
A Successful Diet is the Triumph of Mind Over Platter - (Cantor) I had not realized before how expensive color printing is. I will have to try out color comic strips in black-&-white to see how well they come out. I consider the comics that I use in ˇRR! as page-fillers to be samples to introduce them to Apa L readers, who can then follow the complete strips on the Internet if they like them. Most of the comics appear on The Belfry WebComics Index, which currently has links to 4,205 comic strips (but Sturgeon's Law definitely applies to how many of them are worth reading). ## What is the "generous payment" for looking through and photocopying pages from over 150 Apa L dist'ns between 1974 & 1976? If it were generous enough, I would encourage it. I have always said that Apa L is a valuable fannish historical archive, and I would be glad to see people starting to use it as such. ## World Turtle Day reminds me - well, any mentions of turtles now remind me - of the Love Hina anime TV series, in which the teenage protagonists mocked their primitive ancestors for believing that the Earth rested on the back of a giant turtle swimming through the universe, and were confronted with turtles in most of the episodes from then on; a sci-fi movie about a giant turtle stomping Tokyo, a flock of turtles flying south for the winter, the ruins of a forgotten turtle civilization, a turtle robot piloted by a turtle, etc. Wikipedia says, "The series is most well known for putting humorously absurd elements into an ostensibly mundane universe". Yes.
Fish Out of Water #224 - (Helgesen) Both the forthcoming New Fables #1 magazine and the Infinite Space, Infinite God s-f anthology have stories questioning whether animals bioengineered to human-level intelligence would have souls, or would be recognized by human society as having souls.
Godzilla Verses # 141 -- (DeChancie) Hmmm...Paul Norris, maybe? The art style reminds me of Norris' Brick Bradford comics, anyway. The winged "UA" might be a clue, but I don't know to what. ## I am glad to see Off the Main Sequence keeping (or restoring) some of my favorite Heinlein short stories to print, like "Jerry Was a Man" and "The Year of the Jackpot". Where is "Our Fair City", though; I believe Heinlein's only story in Weird Tales? As a Heinlein completist, I sought out those "stinkeroos" shortly after I joined the LASFS in the 1960s when Forry Ackerman
was still letting fans browse through his complete collection of s-f pulps. Yeah, they're bad, but it's nice that they have been made available for today's frustrated Heinlein completists to read. Off the Main Sequence has one story I could never find, though; "Tenderfoot in Space", because fans did not collect Boys' Life, the Scouting magazine.
De Jueves #1532 - (Moffatt) The color cartoon page that I reprinted two weeks ago is from Persona Animus, an ongoing adventure story rather than a gag-a-day comic. At only one or two pages per month, there will not be a conclusion for some time. You can read the complete story (so far) at http://www.sankam.net/PA_Current.html, including the next page after the one that I reprinted. Other pages worth looking at on Scharmen's website include his watercolor and oil portraits of the doe and mouse heroines. 'Lise does move - or is moved. ## My latest spam from Russia (via an Arizona telephone cutout), just in today and not deleted yet, is from a degree mill. "We offer a wide range of degrees in a wide variety of subjects, its likely we have just what you\'re looking for. Call 24 hrs 7 days a week - 1 602-445-9360 The system is automated, so please leave your name and full phone number, and the best time to reach you. Good luck on your path to a better and more enjoyable career, and much improved salary! . X-Mailer: www.blaw.ru:
" ## I associate black taxi cabs with Scotland. British taxi cabs are designed to be taxi cabs, not modified regular automobiles like in the U.S. I believe that used British taxis are very popular as personal cars; they are extremely roomy. ## Nevada, Utah, Colorado, etc. were never part of Alta California. Arizona was theoretically, on the Mexican maps, but in practice there were no real settlements between the Alta California communities along the coast, and the New Mexico communities around Albuquerque and Santa Fe, leaving a large and mostly empty desert area in which the border was vague or nonexistent. It was not until after the U.S. acquired the "Mexican Cession" that the U.S. government established the permanent borders in 1850. Originally everything east of the California eastern border was made part of the Territory of New Mexico. After the Mormons colonized the area around Salt Lake City in the 1840s as Deseret, they petitioned the U.S. government in 1849 for statehood for a Deseret that stretched to the Pacific coast, including Los Angeles and San Diego. The U.S. government "compromised" by dividing the Territory of New Mexico in half and making everything north of the current New Mexico border into the Territory of Utah. Then Utah gradually got subdivided and whittled down into the current state. Arizona was left as part of New Mexico until 1863.
Something or Other - (Castora) Luck. ## I am content to let Lee Gold and my sister Sherrill handle my financial affairs. This mostly means letting Sherry treat me to stuff that I cannot afford myself since I am only allowed $35 a month for personal use by Medicare (or is it MediCal?) rules. Currently Sherry is buying me a $300 improved wheelchair cushion that my medical insurance will not cover. ## In 1986 Frank Gasperik got a TV talk-show host gig on Group W Cable, This Is The Story, in West L.A. He invited me & Jeff Roady to put on a presentation on anime, which may have been the first appearance of anime on American TV outside of the Japanese-community TV channels. This was in July 1986; there are doubtlessly more details in my ˇRR! for that month. I do not know for how long Gasperik had this TV talk-show program.
Oh, All Right!!! - (Lembke) If the Eaton Collection already has a complete fanzine collection of Apa L, would donating an additional copy in PDF format be a copyright violation?
I Ablate Rough-Legged Buzzards - (Gold) Let us know how Lembke's e.mailed scans of my zines come out. ## You are doing things for me that I do not even know about. I did not know that I have a new Medi-Cal case worker, or that her name is Mrs. Medrano. If I was ever told the name of my old case worker, I have forgotten it. The hospital never tells me anything (except that I am not well enough to go out).